Millions of years ago, Xenia and Yonan, a telepathic part-alien/part-human couple, happily married for four-hundred years and planned to live together forever, face unexpected death . . . in three moons.
Worried their reincarnated selves won’t find each other in future lives, the couple attempt astral time travel to ensure their future selves fall in love and live long human lives together—while pending doom looms closer.
Journeying to prehistoric France, ancient Egypt, Tudor England, 19th century Iowa, and the present day, they make mistakes along the way while learning about the future human world. Experiencing disappointments and setbacks, they fear time will run out.
Wonderful fantasy tale of eternal love
A unique story blend of fantasy, time travel and romance. A very unique plot that keeps the reader turning the page. Well thought out characters who take the reader on an adventure that stays with you even after you turn the last page. Reviewed byBooklover217
Our Eternal Souls by P.L. Jonas