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Please send your manuscript electronically to Alternatively, you may also submit using our online submissions system:

Sands Press is a literary publisher interested in new and established authors wishing to develop and market their work. Sands Press is represented globally by one of the world’s most respected book distributors, IPG Books.

As an emerging publisher, we strive to meet the demands placed upon us by the authors and the market.  We are currently accepting submissions in most genres.




Thank you for choosing to submit your work to Sands Press. To help expedite the review of your submission, please read the following to ensure your work is ready.


We want to give your submission the consideration it deserves so careful preparation on your part is vital. Please submit your best-polished work: check spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If any part of your submission is incomplete or missing, it may delay the review. It often takes up to twelve weeks or longer to respond. Your submission may go through several reads and be discussed at length before we contact you.


Remember, please be patient. It can take up to twelve (12) weeks or longer before we reply to your submission.




Send the entire manuscript in DOCX, along with a synopsis of approximately 500 words, the genre, and include a cover letter with your full name, address, and contact information. Your submission must be a minimum of 60,000 words or in the case of short stories, a total of at most 60,000 words. Please indicate if your submission is a stand-alone story or part of a series and if you have submitted the same manuscript to multiple publishers.


Before submitting your manuscript for consideration, please review it for basic grammatical errors and timeline inconsistencies (names, ages, time, days, months, etc.)


Please make sure you have Microsoft Office and your submission is in DOCX. If accepted, your edits will be completed in Office Track Changes. The editors try their best to ensure character names, ages, and timelines are exact but mistakes can be made. Editing is a team effort between editor and author.


Only those submissions that meet all the criteria will be reviewed and a response provided.


Thanks for submitting!
We’ll get back to you shortly.

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